About Interplast - Plastic Fair
“The fair has been very interesting, with a large number of visitors, customers from various parts of Brazil: Manaus, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and São Paulo.”

The Southern region is the second most important of Brazil, in plastics manufacturing. While the state of Santa Catarina, corresponds to 16% of all the volume produced nationally, and Joinville is the home of some of the largest manufacturers of plastic products in Brazil.
Where the market provides itself with technology
The region of Interplast is a plastic manufacturing center in Latin America, being Joinville one production core for engineering parts. Here, the companies invest constantly in high technology to improve their production systems. Interplast consolidated as the most important tool for the professionals of these companies, helping them in identifying new suppliers and investing in innovative technologies. With this large demand for technological innovations, Interplast became the largest showcase of the sector for state-of-the-art technologies.
This is the market that will be at your disposal when you become an exhibitor at Interplast.
Besides the visitors of Santa Catarina, Interplast of 2022 received a total of:
30 thousand visitors coming from: 24 brazilian states |
695 cities | 17 countries
Concentration of the best in the Plastics Industry
After Paraná State, whose capital is located only at 130 km distance, the state that more visits the Interplast is São Paulo, home of the most important trade shows in Brazil. This intense visiting by professionals of São Paulo is justified by the quality of Interplast, where are concentrated the most important innovations of the sector, in an exclusive Exhibition. Thus the visitor can devote himself more to the innovations of each exhibitor, with more time to discuss and negotiate, in a more receptive environment. Making the decision and the Business closing much more assertive.
“In terms of business, Interplast was excellent.”

The Interplast Event goes far beyond the EXHIBITION!
In parallel to the Trade Show, several events attract an audience composed by high ranking specialists, that praise the value of Interplast as one of the most important events in South America for the sector.
Business Rounds: it gathered 20 large purchasers of the sector with 40 suppliers, resulting in 586 meetings.
Technical Congress: organized by Instituto de Inovação Senai (Senai Innovation Institute) with themes such as Industry 4.0 applied to predictive maintenance, Polymers applied to health area and Colour trends for 2023.
Exhibitors Workshop: there were 20 hours of practical contents for the visitors to know in depth the most important innovations exhibited in the Trade Show.
Besides these 3 events that are realized for years in parallel to Interplast, other events joined the Trade Show in 2022 for example:
Graphene Journey organized by Zextec Nano, it presented the use of nano technology having graphene as starting point for the production of plastic parts more resistant than the steel ones.
Quality Workshop, Instrumentation and Measurement of the CSQI - ABIMAQ brought lectures by companies such as: Bass, Hexagon, Mitutoyo, Wika do Brasil, MTS Brasil and Digitrol.
Circular Economy Forum by the Plástico Sul magazine, had 10 lectures where discussions were held regarding to circular solutions in important companies, geopolitical questions and innovations in recycling for the plastics sector.
Plastic Recycle Space: the company Termotécnica Unigel took to the Trade Show, equipments and materials for practical demonstration and awareness, to the visitors, about the importance of plastics recycling.