How to get at Interplast - Plastic Technology Integration Fair in Brazil

Address of Interplast: EXPOVILLE • Megacentro Wittich Freitag • R. XV de Novembro, 4315 - Glória, Joinville - SC, 89216-201
- Regular flights TAM, GOL and AZUL departing from Congonhas, Viracopos and Guarulhos to Joinville
- Lauro Carneiro de Loyola Airport in Joinville: The Aeroporte de Joinville is one of the largest in the South Region. It is located 13km from the city center, 75km from Navegantes Airport, 110km from the Airport of Curitiba and 163 km from Florianópolis Airport.
- From Florianópolis (SC) to Joinville, it is 195 km along BR-101, northbound.
- From Curitiba (PR) to Joinville, it is 140 km along BR-376, direction south
- From Porto Alegre (RS) to Joinville, it is 722 km on the BR-290 turning left on the BR-101 (see above the course Florianópolis - Joinville).