Santa Catarina has an important industrial sector, with approximately one thousand industries engaged in plastic transformation, generating more than 32 thousand job positions in the manufacturing plants. Approximately 1 million tons of plastic are processed in the State every year, with large companies of both national and international presence, with special mention to technical parts, packages, and disposables. Driven by the power of the industry and the qualified profile of the professionals visiting the trade shows, the Interplast – Feira e Congresso da Integração da Tecnologia do Plástico (Fair and Congress on Technology Integration of the Plastic Industry) will take place on August 14-17, in Joinville/SC, being consolidated as the key event of the sector in Brazil, held in even years.
The event also presents the EuroMold Brasil – World Fair for Moldmaking and Tooling, Design and Application Development for Latin America. The key stakeholders of the segment already confirmed their presence in both trade shows and good part of the companies will be present with higher space, if compared to the 2016 issue. Approximately 90% of the spaces are already sold, which made the organizer expand the trade show area of the event to the access hall of the pavilion, to additional 30 stands, totaling an area of 20 thousand m².
“Interplast and EuroMold are consolidated as the key marketing tool of the plastic sector in Brazil, with a difference to the other events because it gathers the entire productive chain, from design to production”, comments Richard Spirandelli, officer of Messe Brasil, organizer of the event. At Interplast, visitors will find the best solutions from raw-material to machines and equipment, and at EuroMold visitors will find technological solutions in tooling and product development. “This access to the entire plastic chain in a single space brings increasingly qualified visitors and promotes the consolidation of the trade show as the meeting center of the segment in Latin America in 2018”, highlights.
Regardless of the economic scenario, the trade show has been consolidated as a reference in technology and for gathering several product releases. Now in 2018, with the visible signs of warmth of the industry, the scenario is even more favorable for investments in the technological renewal of the manufacturing plant, allowed with the trade show.
Interplast 2018 and EuroMold Brasil is hosted by Simpesc (Union for the Plastic Material Industry of Santa Catarina) and is supported by ABIMAQ (Brazilian Association for the Industry of Machines and Equipment), ABIPLAST (Brazilian Association for the Plastic Industry) and FIESC (Federation of the Industries of the State of Santa Catarina). The trade show must gather in 2018 a total of 500 brands in 400 stands, exhibitors of machinery, equipment, transformation, tooling, packages, raw-materials, peripherals, design, and services. The registration of visitors is already available at interplast.com.br and concentrates a surprising number of participants every week, considering that the event will be held in August.
Business Rounds increases creates new possibilities and aims at new partnerships and contracts
An increasing practice at the trade shows organized by Messe Brasil is the existence of Business Rounds, where purchasers and sellers sit at the table to negotiate on prices and facilitated financing, expanding the opportunities of consolidating business and partnerships during the event. At Interplast and EuroMold the expectation is to gather 15 purchasers.
Embanews Award
For the first time the organizers of the EMBANEWS Award will launch and open registration for the award during an event of the sector. Interplast was chosen due to the synergy between EMBANEWS and Messe Brasil and due to the greatness of the event at a national level. Approximately 40% of the participants of the EMBANEWS Award are from the segment of hard or flexible plastic packages. The companies registered for the 28th Prêmio Brasileiro de Embalagem EMBANEWS 2019 (2019 EMBANEWS Brazilian Package Award) during Interplast will have 20% of discount. Every year the EMBANEWS Award reveals cases of brands that confirm the power of package as a marketing tool, levering expressive growth. In addition, the package accompanies the endless search of companies for yield, cost reduction, and more sustainable procedures.
Congress on Technological Innovation
The accreditation of professionals has assured space at Interplast 2018 by means of Cintec Plásticos – Congress on Technological Innovation. The event will consist of 12 lectures and 6 mini-courses to discuss the most recent technologies in machines and equipment, raw-material, and procedures for the plastic industry. More than 600 participants are expected.